10:37AM December 09, 2020

Leslie Garlinghouse

my name is leslie and i'm not happy with the zoning for olathe 148 you have been adding to it instead of adding a new zone, why has this been done?? and is there any news on when 148 well see any work on it???

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11:05AM December 09, 2020

Becky Mashburn
Hi Leslie. It sounds like there has been a miscommunication. We haven't added any new areas to Olathe 148. On the contrary, we've been able to make your zone smaller thanks to a recent grant award. A portion of Olathe 148 was included in our North Mesa grant application, which recently received the official stamp of approval from the State. Due to our current full construction schedule, we expect to be building in North Mesa in the spring of 2021. I realize that doesn't help you, nor does it improve your current internet service. I hope you'll stick with us as we continue to work to secure grant funds to build our network in rural areas like yours.